Malta: a multicultural destination
Malta, this beautiful island is located between the African and European continents.
Rather strategic location, many countries and empires invaded and tried to conquer it.
It is still a very popular destination for foreigners.
After its entry into the European Union in 2004, many tourists find refuge to spend a pleasant holiday, and that for hot or cold seasons.
It is well known that once set foot on his land, it's hard to leave this little gem! The number of foreigners living in Malta is on the rise, and now it is estimated that there are over 23,000 foreigners from 151 different countries. There are even currently 600 foreign students enrolled at the University of Malta originating from 71 different countries!
Malta can be characterized as a multicultural destination. Additionally, its economy thrives on it.
This island has so much to offer: it is densely populated, it offers attractions around every corner and for all ages. Malta is also one of the main destinations chosen for the families, both for holidays or traveling.
Those seek security and a feeling of "community" by coming to Malta, because everyone knows that the people are always ready to help each other, allowing foreigners to feel comfortable at once.
One of the big pluses of this wonderful island is of course its beautiful weather. Many took the leap and left their home country to live permanently in Malta.
Malta's history, fine views, and multicultural population are what make this wonderful archipelago one of the favourite destinations in Europe.
Lexema is an hosting orgnisation based in Malta. We can help you to come to Malta for internship, training or English course.
Feel free to contact us at